Jannah Theme License is not validated, Go to the theme options page to validate the license, You need a single license for each domain name.

How to Customize the WordPress Admin Dashboard

For those who are using WordPress every day, you can customize your WordPress dashboard to display everything you need. Follow the guides below to customize your dashboard, menu, toolbar, and color scheme.

WordPress’ Screen Options menu is a native way to customize your WordPress dashboard. The Screen Options dropdown button is at the top right corner of the WordPress admin dashboard page.

Here’s how to use it to hide dashboard widgets from the WordPress admin area:

1. Log in to WordPress.

2. From the admin menu, click on “Dashboard,” then select “Home.”

3. Click on “Screen Options” at the top right of the Dashboard -> Home page.

Note: Other admin pages such as Posts, Pages, Comments, Installed Plugins, and more also have the Screen Options at the same location.

4. Check the items you want to see on your Dashboard. If you want to hide an item, uncheck the box to its left. The changes apply as you make them.

Wordpress Admin Dashboard Screen Options

Aside from customizing the screen elements in each WordPress admin page, you can also customize the admin menu. If you have WordPress development knowledge, you can paste a code that can do this to your theme’s functions.php file. Otherwise, you can use a WordPress plugin, which we’ll teach you about.

Follow these steps to customize your WordPress dashboard using a plugin:

1. Install and activate the Admin Menu Editor plugin.

2. From the admin menu, hover over “Settings,” then click on “Menu Editor.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Settings Menu Editor

3. To hide a menu without preventing access or functionality, select the admin menu item you want to hide, click on the hide button (as shown below), and then click on “Save Changes.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Editor Save Changes

4. To rearrange the admin menu, drag the menu items, then save changes.

5. To create a new menu, click on the new menu button as shown below. You can also add submenus under the new menu. Configure the menu, then click on “Save Changes.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Editor New Menu Save Changes

6. If you want to go back to the default admin menu, click on “Load default menu.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Editor Load Default Menu

7. Remember to click on “Save Changes” to apply your customizations.

Tip: Not a fan of the Gutenberg editor? Here’s how to easily restore the WordPress Classic Editor.

The WordPress admin bar or toolbar is the horizontal menu on top of WordPress. Similar to the admin menu, it’s also customizable using custom code and plugins.

Install and activate the Adminimize plugin. From the admin menu, hover over “Settings,” then click on “Adminimize.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Settings Adminimize

In the Adminimize settings page, you can customize the admin bar for the backend and frontend of your WordPress website.

Wordpress Adminimize

When you click on “Admin Bar Back end Options,” you can customize the admin toolbar that appears in the admin environment. You can customize what appears for each role by checking the boxes for the items you want to hide.

Wordpress Adminimize Admin Bar Backend Options

The same settings apply for the admin toolbar that appears on the frontend when you’re logged in. In the “Admin Bar Front end Options,” you can only deactivate the admin bar for all or specific roles.

Wordpress Adminimize Admin Bar Frontend Options

Hide the Admin Toolbar When Viewing Site

By default, the admin toolbar appears when you view your site while logged in to WordPress. Here’s how to hide it for your account:

From the admin menu, hover over “Users,” then click on “Profile.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile

Under Personal Options, uncheck the box to the left of “Show Toolbar when viewing site.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile Personal Options Toolbar

Scroll to the bottom of the Profile page then click on “Update Profile” to save your changes.

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile Update Profile

Switch the Color Scheme of the WordPress Admin Dashboard

There are nine color schemes you can choose from when customizing your WordPress dashboard. Here’s how to select your preferred color scheme:

From the admin menu, hover over “Users,” then click on “Profile.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile

Under Personal Options, select your preferred color scheme beside “Admin Color Scheme.”

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile Personal Options Admin Color Scheme

Scroll to the bottom of the Profile page then click on “Update Profile” to save your changes.

Wordpress Admin Menu Users Profile Update Profile

Customize your website: If you’re looking for a theme for your website, here are the top 15 free WordPress themes.

Customize and Secure Your WordPress Website

You can customize the WordPress admin environment to match your preferences. If you have multiple users with access to the same website backend but with different roles, they can also tailor their admin area view based on what suits their needs best.

Aside from customizing your WordPress dashboard, you can also enhance your website’s security by changing the default WordPress login URL. Additionally, here are 14 ways to secure your WordPress website.

Image credit: Pixabay. All screenshots by Natalie dela Vega.

Natalie dela Vega

Natalie is a writer specializing in tech how-tos and gaming. When she’s not writing, she plays PC games and travels. Here at MakeTechEasier, you will see her write about guides, tips, and solutions for Windows and iOS.

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