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Save $120 on a Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime Subscription (1TB)

Everyone is in need of good cloud storage, and there are so many to choose from. But if privacy matters to you, there is only one that you should choose: Koofr Cloud Storage. It’s the only cloud storage that doesn’t track you. You can get a lifetime subscription (1TB) for nearly $120 off.

The more and more we spend our lives online, the more we run out of storage space. Space on our computers and devices has increased from KB to MB to GB to TB. Yet, it’s still not enough. We still need more. And now our storage isn’t even confined to the physical space on our computer or mobile device. It’s in the cloud. It can be a little daunting to store your important files in a place you can’t even see; yet, it’s necessary.

Koofr Cloud Storage is safe and private, and you can access it through WebDav, your mobile device, or the Web. All of your important files can be gathered in one place. Whether you have Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon, or OneDrive (or a combination of two or more), you can bring them all together with Koofr and store them with the 1TB lifetime plan. You can even take advantage of the Koofr Duplicate Finder to clean up your storage.

With this cloud storage solution, you can upload, access, and share any file with ease on an unlimited number of devices. Connect all your external cloud accounts and always have your files safe and accessible, whether they are just sitting in storage or being transferred. Use the Koofr Desktop app to access your files on your remote computer, and rename multiple files.

Use the code KOOFR and get $119.97 off the price of this subscription to pay just $139.99. This deal is available through October 15, 2023. The code must be redeemed within 15 days of purchase.

Koofr Cloud Storage Lifetime Subscription (1TB)

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Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site’s sponsored review program.

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